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Dumeaux Lab
Determining the effects of paternal obesity on sperm chromatin at histone H3 lysine 4 tri-methylation in relation to the placental transcriptome and cellular composition
Elife (2024)
The association between long-term DDT or DDE Exposures and an altered sperm epigenome—a cross-sectional study of Greenlandic Inuit and South African VhaVenda men
EHP (2024), Biorxiv (2022)
Candida albicans exhibits heterogeneous and adaptive cytoprotective responses to anti-fungal compounds
Elife (2023), Biorxiv (2022)
A metagenomic-based study of two sites from the Barbadian reef system
Coral Reefs (2023), Biorxiv (2022)
A Deep Learning Approach to Capture the Essence of Candida albicans Morphologies
Microb Spectrum (2022)
Sperm histone H3 lysine 4 tri-methylation serves as a metabolic sensor of paternal obesity and is associated with the inheritance of metabolic dysfunction
Mol Metab (2022)
Genetic-epigenetic interactions in paternal transgenerational inheritance of metabolic disorders
Biorxiv (2021)
Whole-genome sequencing of H3K4me3 and DNA methylation in human sperm reveals regions of overlap linked to fertility and development
Cell Reports (2021)
ChIP-seq protocol for sperm cells and embryos to assess environmental impacts and epigenetic inheritance
STAR Protocols (2021)
A deep learning approach to capture the essence of Candida albicans morphologies
Biorxiv (2021)
Histone H3 lysine 4 trimethylation in sperm is transmitted to the embryo and associated with diet-induced phenotypes in the offspring
Dev Cell (2021)
Sperm histone H3 lysine 4 trimethylation is altered in a genetic mouse model of transgenerational epigenetic inheritance
NAR (2020)
Atrx Deletion in Neurons Leads to Sexually Dimorphic Dysregulation of miR-137 and Spatial Learning and Memory Deficits
Cell Reports (2020)
Histone deacetylase 1 and 2 drive differentiation and fusion of progenitor cells in human placental trophoblasts
Cell Death & Disease (2020)
Candida albicans exhibits distinct cytoprotective responses to anti-fungal drugs that facilitate the evolution of drug resistance
biorxiv (2020)
The time-varying effect of radiotherapy after breast-conserving surgery for DCIS.
Breast Cancer Res. Treat. (2019)
Screening of Candida albicans GRACE library revealed a unique pattern of biofilm formation under repression of the essential gene ILS1.
Sci Rep
, 9187 (2019)
Atrx deletion in neurons leads to sexually-dimorphic dysregulation of miR-137 and spatial learning and memory deficits.
biorxiv (2019)
Reproducible Data Analysis Pipelines for Precision Medicine.
PDP 2-19, 299-306 (2019)
Mms21: A Putative SUMO E3 Ligase in Candida albicans That Negatively Regulates Invasiveness and Filamentation, and Is Required for Genotoxic and Cellular Stress Response.
Genetics (2018)
Role of SUMOylation in differential ERα transcriptional repression by tamoxifen and fulvestrant in breast cancer cells.
Oncogene (2018)
Reproducible Data Analysis Pipelines for Precision Medicine.
biorxiv (2018)
Interactions between the tumor and the blood systemic response of breast cancer patients.
PLoS Comput. Biol.
, e1005680 (2017)
Building Applications for Interactive Data Exploration in Systems Biology.
ACM-BCB '17, 556-561 (2017)
Detecting gene signature activation in breast cancer in an absolute, single-patient manner.
Breast Cancer Res.
, 32 (2017)
Peripheral blood cells inform on the presence of breast cancer: a population-based case-control study.
Int. J. Cancer
, 656-67 (2015)
The prognostic ease and difficulty of invasive breast carcinoma.
Cell Rep
, 129-142 (2014)
High coffee consumption and different brewing methods in relation to postmenopausal endometrial cancer risk in the Norwegian women and cancer study: a population-based prospective study.
BMC Womens Health
, 48 (2014)
Reproductive factors and risk of hormone receptor positive and negative breast cancer: a cohort study.
BMC Cancer
, 584 (2013)
Genome-wide association study in breast cancer survivors reveals SNPs associated with gene expression of genes belonging to MHC class I and II.
, 278-87 (2013)
Helicobacter pylori infection assessed by ELISA and by immunoblot and noncardia gastric cancer risk in a prospective study: the Eurgast-EPIC project.
Ann. Oncol.
, 1320-4 (2012)
Using blood gene signatures for assessing effects of exposure to perfluoroalkyl acids (PFAAs) in humans: the NOWAC postgenome study.
Int J Mol Epidemiol Genet
, 207-16 (2011)
Sex hormones and gene expression signatures in peripheral blood from postmenopausal women - the NOWAC postgenome study.
BMC Med Genomics
, 29 (2011)
Blood gene expression profiling of breast cancer survivors experiencing fibrosis.
Int. J. Radiat. Oncol. Biol. Phys.
, 875-83 (2011)
Cigarette smoking and colorectal cancer risk in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition study.
Clin. Gastroenterol. Hepatol.
, 137-44 (2011)
Menopausal hormone therapy and breast cancer risk: impact of different treatments. The European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition.
Int. J. Cancer
, 144-56 (2011)
Eighteen insulin-like growth factor pathway genes, circulating levels of IGF-I and its binding protein, and risk of prostate and breast cancer.
Cancer Epidemiol. Biomarkers Prev.
, 2877-87 (2010)
The genetics and epigenetics of fatigue.
, 456-65 (2010)
Deciphering normal blood gene expression variation--The NOWAC postgenome study.
PLoS Genet.
, e1000873 (2010)
Gene expression profiling of peripheral blood cells for early detection of breast cancer.
Breast Cancer Res.
, R7 (2010)
Towards a more functional concept of causality in cancer research.
Int J Mol Epidemiol Genet
, 124-33 (2010)
Polymorphisms in fatty-acid-metabolism-related genes are associated with colorectal cancer risk.
, 466-72 (2010)
Reproductive risk factors and endometrial cancer: the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition.
Int. J. Cancer
, 442-51 (2010)
Serum levels of IGF-I, IGFBP-3 and colorectal cancer risk: results from the EPIC cohort, plus a meta-analysis of prospective studies.
Int. J. Cancer
, 1702-15 (2010)
Found in transcription: gene expression and other novel blood biomarkers for the early detection of breast cancer.
Expert Rev Anticancer Ther
, 1115-23 (2009)
Alterations of gene expression in blood cells associated with chronic fatigue in breast cancer survivors.
Pharmacogenomics J.
, 333-40 (2009)
Exploring the human genome with functional maps.
Genome Res.
, 1093-106 (2009)
Aneuploidy prediction and tumor classification with heterogeneous hidden conditional random fields.
, 1307-13 (2009)
Systems epidemiology in cancer.
Cancer Epidemiol. Biomarkers Prev.
, 2954-7 (2008)
Gene expression analyses in breast cancer epidemiology: the Norwegian Women and Cancer postgenome cohort study.
Breast Cancer Res.
, R13 (2008)
Comparison of globin RNA processing methods for genome-wide transcriptome analysis from whole blood.
Biomark Med
, 11-21 (2008)
Hormone replacement therapy use and plasma levels of sex hormones in the Norwegian Women and Cancer postgenome cohort - a cross-sectional analysis.
BMC Womens Health
, 1 (2008)
Cohort profile: The Norwegian Women and Cancer Study--NOWAC--Kvinner og kreft.
Int J Epidemiol
, 36-41 (2008)
Hormone replacement therapy and breast cancer in former users of oral contraceptives--The Norwegian Women and Cancer study.
Int. J. Cancer
, 645-8 (2007)
Gene expression profiling of whole-blood samples from women exposed to hormone replacement therapy.
Mol. Cancer Ther.
, 868-76 (2006)
TP53 mutations in ovarian carcinomas from sporadic cases and carriers of two distinct BRCA1 founder mutations; relation to age at diagnosis and survival.
BMC Cancer
, 134 (2005)
Previous oral contraceptive use and breast cancer risk according to hormone replacement therapy use among postmenopausal women.
Cancer Causes Control
, 537-44 (2005)
Use of oral contraceptives, alcohol, and risk for invasive breast cancer.
Cancer Epidemiol. Biomarkers Prev.
, 1302-7 (2004)
Breast cancer and specific types of oral contraceptives: a large Norwegian cohort study.
Int. J. Cancer
, 844-50 (2003)