Dr. Dumeaux received her doctorate in Pharmacy in 2002 in France. She then obtained her Ph.D. in molecular epidemiology, a joint degree from the University of Tromso (Norway) and the University of Paris-South XI (France). During her PhD, she developed expertise in genomics in the group of Professeur Borresen-Dale at the Norwegian Radium Hospital which was among the pioneers in expression profiling of breast carcinomas in collaboration with groups at Stanford University. Dr Dumeaux co-initiated the post-genomic wing of the Norwegian Women and Cancer cohort to study the systems biology of breast cancer in a population-based context. She has had a long-standing interest in the development of RNA-based biomarker signatures in blood, which can be used to inform on exposure (exposome; eg. organic pollutants) and health status (eg. diagnostics of breast cancer, side-effects of radiotherapy).
During her post-doc, she visited the Department of Applied Mathematics (University of Paris Descartes) and the Laboratory of Bioinformatics and Functional Genomics (Princeton University), and finally moved to Canada in 2009 to continue her research in bioinformatics and genomics at McGill and Concordia University.
In recent years, Dr Dumeaux also created a freelance consultancy as well as a cooperative to fill today’s great demand for data science experts in both academic and private sectors.
She joined Western University as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology in April 2022.
Employment, Position:
• April 2022- Assistant Professor, Department of Anatomy & Cell Biology, Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry, Western University
• April 2022- Member, Center for Translational Cancer Research, Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry, Western University
• July 2022- Affiliate Assistant Professor, Department of Oncology, Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry, Western University
• 2017- 2022 Freelance Consultant, Dumeaux Data Science
• 2020-2022 Founder & President, SCIEL (Single-Cell, Informatics, Experiment, Learning) coopérative
• 2019-Nov2021 Affiliate Assistant Professor, Department of Biology, Concordia University
• 2017-Nov2021 Senior Scientist, PERFORM Centre, Concordia University
• 2014-17 Research Scientist, Breast Cancer Informatics laboratory, McGill University
• 2011-14 Research Scientist, UiT The Arctic University of Norway, visiting McGill University
- 2013-14 Associate Member,Department of Epidemiology, Biostatistics & Occupational Health
- 2011-14 Affiliate Assistant Professor, Department of Oncology
• 2006-11 Post-Doctoral & Research Fellow, UiT The Arctic University of Norway, visiting:
- 2009-11 Goodman Cancer Centre, McGill University
- 2008-09 Department of Applied Mathematics, University of Paris Descartes
- 2008 Laboratory of Bioinformatics and Functional Genomics, Princeton University
- 2006-08 Department of Genetics, The Norwegian Radium Hospital
2005 PhD Molecular Epidemiology, University of Paris XI and The Arctic University of Norway
2002 MSc Epidemiology and Public Health, University of Bordeaux II, France
2002 Doctor in Pharmacy, University of Poitiers, France
Patents and intellectual property rights:
08/2020 Patent submitted to Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT US 63/091,084) Methods for identifying epigenetic modifications in sperm, diagnosing infertility, and identifying treatment strategies
11/2013 Patent submitted to Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT/NO2013/050203) Gene expression profile in diagnostics
Funding (past 5 years):
2024-2029 NSERC Operating Grant (Principal Applicant): Computational and genomic approaches for the characterization of host-adapted microbial communities
2023-2025 Cancer Research Society / CIHR-ICR (Principal Applicant): High-resolution mapping of cancer immunity to predict response to therapy in HER2-positive breast cancer patients
2023-2025 The Schulich Collaborative Research Seed Grant (Principal Applicant): Tumor and systemic immune markers for measuring breast cancer response to therapy
2023-2027 Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Project grant (Co-applicant): Predicting Radiation Response Following Breast-Conserving Therapy for DCIS: Translation and Validation of a Novel Predictive Biomarker Classifier blood flow in healthy and complicated pregnancies. (Principal Applicants: Eileen Rakovitch, Michael Hallett)
2023-2028 Canada Foundation JELF (Co-applicant): Computational infrastructure for data science in human health (Principal Applicants: Michael Hallett, Jennifer Guthrie, Pingzhao Hu)
2022-2024 Cancer Research Society, Operating Grant (Co-applicant): Studies of Anticancer Effects of Radiation Therapy and Polo-Like Kinase 4 (PLK4) Inhibitor CFI-400945 in Triple Negative Breast Cancer (Principal Applicant: Armen Parsyan)
2022-2027 Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Project grant (Principal Applicant): Identification of functional epigenomic regions in sperm that are environmentally responsive and associate with fertility and embryo development (Nominated Principal Applicant: Sarah Kimmins)
2022-2027 Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Project grant (Co-applicant): Identifying molecular mechanisms underlying the regulatory role of sperm chromatin in embryo development and adult disease (Nominated Principal Applicant: Sarah Kimmins)
2020-2021 Concordia Universiy OVPGRS, Team Accelerator Program (Principal Applicant): High-resolution mapping of cancer immunity for HER2+ breast cancer patients
2019-2020 PERFORM Centre, Starting Project Funds (Principal Applicant): Contribution of the brain-gut-microbiota axis in health benefits associated with exercise
2019-2020 Concordia Universiy OVPGRS, Team Start-Up Program (Principal Applicant): High-resolution mapping of cancer immunity for HER2+ breast cancer patients
2017-22 Canadian Institutes of Health Research Project grant (Co-applicant): DCIS-Precise: A genomics-driven model for predicting DCIS response to radiation (PI: Rakovitch, Hallett)