Evelyn Cai

Undergraduate Student Volunteer (Physiology & Pharmacology)

I am currently in my third year of Medical Sciences at Western University, interested in pursuing a career in healthcare consulting and medicine! Outside of school and research, you can find me running off to dragon boat practice or grabbing a drink at Starbucks! Feel free to reach out over email or LinkedIn :)

Education 🎓

  • Sept 2021-Present: Bachelor of Medical Sciences Student, Western University

Research 🔍

Start Date: 2022-07 End Date: 2022-09 Description: Western University Research Volunteer Location: Dumeaux lab Project Title: Single Cell Microbial Communities Publication: N/A My Role: Conduct literature review for protocol development; explore single cell profiling techniques to better understand human gut microbiome interactions

Start Date: 2023-02 End Date: None (Present) Description: Western University Research Volunteer Location: Dumeaux lab Project Title: Immune & Gut Microbial Markers for Measuring Breast Cancer Publication: N/A My Role: REDCap database development for clinical trial patient data; investigate intersection between breast cancer therapy, gut microbiota, & immune system

Start Date: 2023-05 End Date: None (Present) Description: Western University Research Volunteer Location: Dumeaux lab Project Title: Functional Interactions & Global Diversity in Gut Microbiome Publication: Publication in preparation My Role: Prepare & revise a research ethics application; conduct retrospective data collection of adult gut microbiome profiles for computational analysis