Mohamed Meawad

MSc Student

Education 🎓

Sep 2022 - June 2024: University of Western Ontario

  • Sep 2022 - June 2024: Honours Specialization in Computational Biochemistry
  • June 2024: Certificate in Data Science
  • Sep 2017 - June 2022: Double Major in Physiology and Interdisciplinary Medical Sciences

Research 🔍

  • May 2023 - May 2024 Deep-learning approaches for the characterization of host-adapted gut microbial community types (Honours thesis,Computational Biochemistry, Dumeaux lab)

  • Sep 2022 - Jan2023: In-silico cell deconvolution of the tumor microenvironment and markers of response to radiotherapy in in-situ breast cancer patients (BIOCHEM-3383F project, Dumeaux lab)

Award / Fellowship

  • 2024 - 2025: MSc Vector Scholarship in Artificial Intelligence
  • 2023/05 - 2023/08: DUROP Summer Research Award