Akshay Manoj Bhaskaran

Undergraduate Summer Student (MITACS 2023, Computer Science & Engineering)

Iā€™m a native of the state of Kerala. As any typical Malayali would have, I was brought up in the United Arab Emirates, where I spent most of my life. Iā€™m currently pursuing a dual degree in Mechanical Engineering, with a specialization in Thermal and Fluid Engineering, at IIT Kharagpur.

Education šŸŽ“

2019 - 2024: Dual Degree (Integrated Bachelor and Master of Technology) Major: Mechanical Engineering, Specialization: Thermal and Fluids Engineering

Research šŸ”

I wish to build a career out of my core subject of Mechanical Engineering, in the field of Microfluidics and Computational Fluid Dynamics. But in addition to this, as an added skillset and more or less a hobby, I have been quite enthusiastic about Machine Learning and Deep Learning algorithms and I am quite knowledgeable about the implementation of various models using Python. I have tinkered around with various datasets present in the UCI repository and on Kaggle.

Award / Fellowship

  • 2023/05 - 2023/08: MITACS Globallink Summer Research Award