25 Aug 2024

We are thrilled to celebrate Ray’s successful writing and defense of her MSc thesis titled, “Functional Profiling of the Gut Microbiome from Bulk to Single-cell: A Pilot Study on Exercise-Induced Effects.” Ray holds a special place in our lab as the first student to join us, paving the way for future research endeavors.

Having you in the lab has been a fantastic experience. The groundwork you have laid will serve as a robust foundation for Binh, future students, and the lab as a whole. Thank you for your dedication and congratulations on this significant achievement! 🚀

Ray MSc defense, Summer 2024, London, ON

We extend our gratitude to the examiners, Drs. Veronica Guariglia Oropeza, Nathalie Berube, and Paul Walton, for their time, effort, and insightful contributions. A special thank you to Dr. Katherine Willmore for chairing the defense. We also appreciate the ongoing support from Drs. Patrick Lajoie, Silvia Penuela, Jeremy Burton, and Greg Gloor, in their roles as committee members over the years.